Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday Shoot

My experience during the Bolex Camera shoot on Saturday was not only an extremely important learning experience for myself, but the entire class period was an incredible amount of fun. The fact that we had such beautiful weather for the shoot was terrific for filming and made our environment both extremely beautiful and comfortable. Watching other groups work on their project was not only extremely enjoyable, but allowed us to have a better sense for when we eventually got the Bolex camera. Something that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing was the major collaboration and volunteering from the class as a whole for my group’s long take. Not only did this make our final project better, but it allowed for new thoughts and ideas to enter our discussion about the concept. Several days after that Saturday shoot, I realized that the energy and enthusiasm from that day stemmed from the fact that everyone was having so much fun. It’s rare to be involved in a project for a class and everyone is genuinely happy to be there. That was definitely a big highlight of the day and for the semester in general. I also really enjoyed tackling different conflicts or creative decisions due to the broad spectrum of ideas that were being presented. Making these on the spot decisions really added to the excitement because we were watching our concept slowly morph throughout the creation process. Finally, after all the fake blood and dead body placement had finished, we filmed our Bolex one shot project and I couldn’t have been happier about the results.

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